Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009 - EEOC and White House

Last last would have been June 19, I had my first lunch with someone whom I'd been emailing, and wanted to make that face-to-face contact. The EEOC is now located on the red line, the New York/Galludet stop, getting up into the NE side of town, which isn't the greatest area, but it's very close to the metro stop, which is nice, and a fairly straightforward walk.

Lunch was good, and I learned a lot about the application process, which was fantastic, because I had yet to submit my application there, so this was a good thing. I submitted the application on June 22, so we'll see what happens now. It's a bit of a maze, getting through the federal hiring process, but if I can just get my foot in the door, I'll be good.

After lunch, I ventured over to the White House area (McPherson Square on the Orange Line) to meet up with Grant, whom I hadn't seen since December. I got there a little early, and did my sight-seeing thing outside the White House, and too a few self-portraits (note: photos of me from my entire trip, aside from a few exceptions, were self-portraits, which sort of adds to the whole "I was by myself exploring" thing. I like it). Catching up with Grant was good, there's always so much to talk about, and we have so many mutual friends from law school, so it's always a fun time when some of us can get together. We had an epic time in Lawrence back in December, and I hope we get a chance to do that again before too long. We had coffee at a Juan Valdez. Well, he had coffee. I had a blue machine naked juice. YUM.

After coffee, I made a quick stop at the American History Museum on the Mall (lots of metro-riding that day), and caught one of my favorite, the "Thanks for the Memories" exhibit, which has items of different pop culture status, like Dorothy's ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz, and Seinfeld's puffy shirt. I mean, really. The line for the First Ladies' exhibit was very long. I don't remember if it was this long the last time I was here (many moons ago), but I think the popularity of the exhibit had to do with Michelle Obama's recent contributions. Another time, I'll have to check that out, but I didn't want to wait so long that day.

I caught the train home that evening and spent the rest of the day in, relaxing and letting my feet and body recover from the punishment of walking everywhere like a madwoman the past couple of days. Nothing too exciting, and that was exactly what I needed.

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