Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009 - Housewarming!

Saturday I went for Chinese with the family, a good restaurant in the area called Lo's, and then to Tyson's to walk around, do a bit of shopping (mostly the window variety, and pass the time).

I then came back "home" and got ready for my friend Kara's housewarming party in McLean, which was a long-awaited and most successful event.

The food was fabulous, the weather turned out great (it had been storming earlier), and I met a lot of good people, which always makes for a good time. And I was wearing one of my favorite dresses, so I had everything going on that night. Ha! I learned that a lot of people are in the same boar as I am, and although the economy is rumored to be taking an upturn soon, it's not soon enough for recent law and other grads. I also learned a lot about a film called The Room, which I'm not intrigued to see.

I had the chance to catch up with Kara's family on both sides, and realize the there are good people all over. Everything was going swimmingly, although when it came time to leave, I needed a ride home. I ended up having to call my cousin Allie for directions because I had no idea how to get back from where we were. All turned out ok though, and I was pleased with the way the evening turned out, even if I had been a bit nervous to walk into a house full of people I didn't know.

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