Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 - Food and Machines

My mom had called me early Tuesday morning to ask if everything was ok, because my parents had only heard about the accident late Monday night. I reassured her that I had been nowhere near the metro then, and that I wouldn't have been in that area anyways. It was nice that she called anyways.

Tuesday I had lunch with Kara at Lebanese Taverna (yum double yum). We just chatted generally about all sorts of things, including jobs and school, friends, family, etc. It was a good way to spend the afternoon, and I'm glad I had the chance to do that. I was also glad, unfounded though it may have been, that I didn't have to take the trains on Tuesday, just because I was a bit frazzled by the accident from the day before. Of course, the metro is far safer than driving, and possibly even flying (I don't know the statistics), but I still felt better holding off for a day.

I spent the rest of the day sort of relaxing, in anticipation of seeing Transformers 2 with my cousin Allie and some of her friends at midnight in Tyson's. The movie theater is pretty nice there, but still doesn't hold a candle to my hometown Warren Theaters! The place was packed, mostly with teenagers (I'm too old for this stuff).

The movie was ok, not as good as the first one, and way too long. Still a pretty fun experience, except that I didn't get home and to bed until almost 3:30 am, which was a bit icky. Especially considering I had another lunch that afternoon. ICK!

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