Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009 - Tragedy in the Entertainment World

Thursday, I didn't do much, and that was just fine. I slept in and just generally chilled. The world went on, however, and two celebrity deaths marked Thursday, June 25, 2009 as a doubly sad day.

In the morning, news of Farrah Fawcett's death, as she lost her battle with cancer, took over the news media, twitter, and many other social media hubs. I was pretty sad about it, because I freaking hate cancer, and little did I know that cancer would rear its ugly head again later in the week, to a different family, with a different struggle (Pablog).

Later that day, I was just waking up from an afternoon nap, and I heard the shocking news that Micheal Jackson had died, after being rushed to the hospital in cardiac arrest (heart stopped, as opposed to a heart attack).

Now, I knew that he hadn't been healthy, and his eccentric lifestyle had taken over the last decades of his life, but he was also a magnificent superstar, the King of Pop, a legend for decades as well. And my personal opinion is that the charges that had been filed against him regarding molestation and other illegal and illicit activities were more than likely not true, or exaggerated. He didn't fit the profile of a pedophile, if you really look at it. It's just a hunch, but I think his odd lifestyle contributed to those allegations.

So Thursday was a sad day. And it's ok to feel sad, even if it's just due to a reminder of our own mortality. Whatever the reason, the world lost two pop culture icons that day, and it will always be remembered as a tragic day in American history.

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