Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - Good Stuff and the Zoo!

Wednesday, I managed to drag myself out of bed and get ready to go see Carol at the Library of Congress, where she works for CRS. It was so great to catch up with her too, as I hadn't seen her since the Bar exam last July, and she moved out here to DC/VA shortly after that. She told me all about her job, the area, living options and expenses, and a lot of other things.

We went to a place called Good Stuff, which is owned and operated by Spike of Top Chef fame. I even saw him working, right there behind the counter. Good times. The food was great, and I had a "mini-moo" chocolate shake that was pretty divine. After lunch, I wandered around the Capitol South area for a bit, and then made my way to the metro to head over to the National Zoo. I wanted to see the Pandas!

And I did. Once I got to the National Zoo (I managed to pass right by it when I was walking there, still not sure how that happened), I saw the Pandas, otters, some wild cats, birds, reptiles, elephants, small mammals, cheetahs, primates, and prairie dogs. Awesome. I didn't get to see the lions and tigers because they are only out til 4 pm, and they're towards the end of the zoo, so I didn't get there in time, but ah well. Like all the national parks and museums, admission is free, so I can easily go back sometime, maybe when the weather is cooler and there's more open.

After the zoo, I went to go visit Tommy and grab some dinner. He only lives a couple of blocks from the back entrance/exit of the zoo, so it was easy to walk there and find where he lived. I actually got to see his apartment, which was pretty nice, and in a nice area of town. All that walking did show me some pretty nice neighborhoods, which was actually pretty exciting.

We grabbed dinner at a place called the Reef, which had a rooftop restaurant that was perfect. The weather was perfect and the area was awesome. Also, I had the profound opportunity to witness Paul Rudd in a doorway during filming of a movie yet-to-be-titled. I <3 Paul Rudd, a Kansas boy of my own heart. And he's adorably hilarious. Dinner (Paul didn't join us, I'm sorry to say) was great, and another chance to catch up with an old friend.

Tommy is one of the first people I ever met at KU during undergrad, and we've managed to stay friends through all the years, which is both impressive and awesome. We caught up on our lives, old friends, new friends, new cities, and new lives. It was a great way to spent the evening, and Tommy was nice enough to give me a ride all the way back to Vienna, which was a bit of a drive, but better than taking the metro at 9:30 pm without a car to get me the rest of the way home.

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